Dala-Floda Värdshus
Hotel | Restaurant, small hotel and conference with focus on ecological thinking. Dala-Floda Inn, is situated in the most swedish of landscape, by the lake Flosjön in the oldfasioned village Syrholen in Dala-Floda. The hotel, with 17 rooms, has the nordic ECO-label, the Swan and serve organic food, locally produced.
The cluster of neighbouring villages on both sides of the river were named the Garden of Eden by Carl von Linnaeus.
The genuine setting, local ecological produce, and well-made food with pure tastes provide a relaxing, inspiring and sensual experience.
The restaurant uses its own vegetable garden and lamb from the village. During the summer months 70% of the vegetables come from the garden and the hostelry is self-supporting in herbs, salads and flowers. Beside the herbarium is a small "potager", a beautiful mixture of vegetables and flowers with beans, palm cabbage and cress. The restaurant is mentioned in the White Guide on Sweden’s best restaurants.
Restaurant, small hotel and conference with focus on ecological thinking. Dala-Floda Inn, is situated in the most swedish of landscape, by the lake Flosjön in the oldfasioned village Syrholen in Dala-Floda. The hotel serve organic food, locally produced, and has the nordic ECO-label, the Swan.
Welcome to a different experience!