Mora Life AB, Åmåsängsgården

Address: Åmåsängsvägen 90, 79234 Mora
Location: Mora
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Guest score: 100% 4 of 4 recommend (3 reviews)

Guest score: 100%

(4 of 4 recommend)
Overall opinion 4.8 of 5
Standard of the hotel/room 4.5 of 5
Facilities (kitchen, shower etc) 4.8 of 5
Cleaning 4.2 of 5
Value for money 4.8 of 5
Service 4.8 of 5
Breakfast 3.7 of 5
About our guest reviews: The guest reviews are submitted by our guests after their stay. They are opinions of guests that reflect their experiences when staying at this property. Scores are based on a 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) rating system.

Individual reviews by our guests (showing 1-3 of 3)

5 av 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Recommended by Cyklist, Sweden (Sweden Mon 12 Aug 2024)
“Toppenläge med cykelavstånd till Mora centrum! Gemytlig mindre camping, jättefin stuga, rent och fint servicehus! Jättetrevligt bemötande och service från personal! God mat i mysig tältrestaurang med go värme på kvällen! ”
Overall opinion 5 of 5
Standard of the hotel/room 5 of 5
Facilities (kitchen, shower etc) 5 of 5
Cleaning 4 of 5
Value for money 5 of 5
Service 5 of 5
Breakfast 3 of 5

Boende med hund.

Recommended by Hans Johansson med 2 st hundar., Sweden (Sweden Mon 22 Jul 2024)
“Jag rekommenderar helt klart denna camping ifall du har hund. Nära till rastnings möjligheter gör den helt klart prisvärd. Sedan är själva campingen med servicen från personal helt fenomenal. Rena och fina service byggnader ökar trivselkänslan ännu mer.”
Overall opinion 5 of 5
Standard of the hotel/room 5 of 5
Facilities (kitchen, shower etc) 5 of 5
Cleaning 4 of 5
Value for money 5 of 5
Service 5 of 5
Breakfast 3 of 5


Recommended by Lill, Sweden (Sweden Fri 24 May 2024)
“Lugnt och mycket fin plats kommer gärna tillbaka ”
Overall opinion 5 of 5
Standard of the hotel/room 5 of 5
Facilities (kitchen, shower etc) 5 of 5
Cleaning 5 of 5
Value for money 5 of 5
Service 5 of 5
Breakfast 5 of 5

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