There are two children's trails around Staberg. Join the historical figures Ankin and Simon on exciting adventures around Staberg.
Smörblommas stig
Length: 1.5 km
Description: The trail goes to the Stiernhielmsstenen. The starting point and map are at the garden's portal and by the path up to Staberg's heel.
Korpögas stig
Length: 2 km
Description: The trail goes up on Staberg's heel. The starting point and map are at the garden's portal and by the path up to Staberg's heel.
Smörblommas stig
Length: 1.5 km
Description: The trail goes to the Stiernhielmsstenen. The starting point and map are at the garden's portal and by the path up to Staberg's heel.
Korpögas stig
Length: 2 km
Description: The trail goes up on Staberg's heel. The starting point and map are at the garden's portal and by the path up to Staberg's heel.