Hikers take a break by the river.
The hiking boots are laced up.
The hiking trail goes downhill with handrails next to it.
Many tree trunks along the hiking trail.
Several people on their way up steeply on the hiking trail.
Two people on their way up the hiking trail by stairs with handrails to keep ice.
The fallen trees are in the river.
A sign with information about the place.
One person stands and looks at rushing water.

Enån valley 4.2 km

Orsa, Hembygdsgården, Moravägen 30

A 2 km long gorge with remains of the 40 mills that were once in use on the route. The trail arrives at Slättbergsbadet. Unique flora with different plant species.

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Good to know

  • 2-4 hours
  • Forest
  • Medium difficulty
  • Parkering
  • Nature trail

Find here

Visiting address: Hembygdsgården, Moravägen 30, 794 33 Orsa