Leksand, Klockaregatan 5Discover Hildasholm with its rich history and enchanting gardens, beautifully situated by Lake Siljan. Built in 1910 for the renowned physician and author Axel Munthe and his English wife Hilda Pennington Mellor, Hildasholm has remained a monument, with its original interior well-preserved for visitors to admire. The Splendor of the Gardens Surrounding Hildasholm is a two-hectare natural park that blooms in full splendor during the summer months. Here, visitors can explore the many imaginative garden rooms that encircle the house. Whether you prefer to wander on your own or participate in a guided tour, Hildasholm offers a unique experience for all nature lovers and gardening enthusiasts.
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- Visit website
- Email: munthes@hildasholm.org
- Contact person name: Kicki Kobdock Haak
- Phone: +46247-100 62
Opening hours:
See website.
Good to know
- InfoPoint InfoPoint
- Accessible Parking Accessible Parking
- WC facilities for disabled WC facilities for disabled
- Website: https://www.hildasholm.org/en
Find here
Visiting address:
Klockaregatan 5,
793 31