Midsummer in Dalarna

It is said that midsummer night is magical. When the night is as brightest we decorate with meadow flowers, dress a maypole, dance and celebrate the light for several days. If you are going to experience genuine midsummer, then you will experience it in Dalarna, the original place for the Swedish Midsummer traditions.

Pictures of different midsummer celebrations.

Midsummer is an ancient Swedish tradition celebrating the start of summer at the end of June. Midsummer is celebrated around the time of the summer solstice, when Nordic nights are at their longest and lightest and nature is at its most green and fertile. Tall maypoles are decorated with leaves and flowers and then raised up to mark the beginning of the festivities. The musicians start to play and traditional dances around the maypole begin.

Midsummer eve.

Midsummer’s Eve – a magical night said to be full of supernatural forces and enchanted creatures – is celebrated in every village in Dalarna with the local touch of tradition and colourful folk costumes. The biggest celebrations take place around Lake Siljan. We welcome you to celebrate Midsummer in Dalarna, help decorate the maypole, make a wreath of flowers to adorn your hair, join in the dancing and sample the traditional food.

Midsummer celebrations

See all the midsummer celebrations down below.

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Unfortunately, there are currently no active events! Don't worry, next season's midsummer celebration will be up soon.


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